
Bioenergetic Amulet with Gans CO2/ZnO


Amulet with Gans CO2/ZnO is a bioenergetic device for  healing. It is made of nano-copper – cooper covered a layer that contains information and energy imprints of natural mineral salts, wild herbs, ormus and Gans (gas at nano state). The base of the Amulet is rooted with a vial with GANS CO2/ZnO.

GaNS CO2/ZnO is a type of carbon mixed with zinc, is really important for our bodies. It helps our nervous system works better and can make us feel better emotionally. It supports the nervous system, affects the emotional field, restores the nervous system balance.
The magnetic force of GaNS CO2/ZnO destroys viruses, their magnetic field, removes heavy metals from the body, including radioactive isotopes, it can be used for disinfection and removal of radioactive contamination. GaNS contains pure information from a source at high spiritual levels.
The magnetic and gravitational fields of GANS CO2/ZnO  interact with human emotional fields and therefore can be used to enhance and balance human emotional needs.

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Amulet with Gans CO2/ZnO  is ideal for non-contact and contact energy stimulation, for reducing pain and stimulating the flow of energy in the body, which activates and facilitates the self-healing and regeneration processes in the body. Recommended for stimulating reflexology points on the hands and feet, meridians, chakras and relieving pain.

Amulet with Gans CO2/ZnO  harmonizing effect works both on the environment and the user, generating a subtle energetic pulse around it. It brings you into a natural state of meditation and relaxation. It also removes the negative impact of electro-smog (wi-fi, electrical devices, etc.) in your space.
You can wear Crystalquartz Amulet on heart and feel that your energy harmonizes and getting stronger,  strengthens and accelerates the manifestation of thoughts and intentions.

Vial with dry Gans Co2/ZnO is surrounded by a spiral nano-copper coil that which strengthens the effect of the GANS, which translates into an immediate, physically felt, healing effect. Its harmonizing effect works both on the environment and the user, generating a subtle energetic pulse around it.It brings you into a natural state of meditation and relaxation as well as removes the negative impact of electro-smog, wi-fi, electrical devices, in your space.


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